Saturday, February 16, 2008


Johanann Wolfgang Von Goethe asks: With the Super Delegate idea -- that a small group of Democrat insiders have more delegate voting power than the sum of all the registered Democrats in most U.S. States -- What were they trying to do? Allow Democratic Party insiders more influence than the average voter in a primary so that the voices of the elite cannot be shut out.
How well did they do it? Wonderfully, it appears that Barack Obama can get more votes from the normal one person, one vote primary process, and still be overridden by the party elite.
Was it worth doing? Yes, as it allows the elite to control the party regardless of the wishes of its individual members.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Bush's Endorsement of McCain

What is he trying to do: Endorse someone who will do a worse job as President than he did.
How well does he do it: Bush will need to endorse McCain more effectively in order for McCain to win.
Is is worth doing: Certainly for Bush it is worth doing and McCain benefits too, since he will get a nice pension after he retires from the Presidency. As for the rest of the world, and America's fate as a nation, another option would be preferable.

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Ron Paul

What was he trying to do: A Freedom-oriented candidacy within the Republican party.
How well was it done: As well as could be expected, given the machine nature of American politics and quality of education of the average American.
Was it worth doing: Probably not, since it was doomed to failure from the beginning. However, it did remind some of us briefly of choices were available 200 years ago.


Saturday, February 9, 2008

The Bucket List

What were they trying to do: A buddy movie involving elderly stars.
How well did they do it: A professional step-up in quality from the old ABC after school movies of the 1970s.
Was it worth doing: Well, those inflight movies gotta come from somewhere.
